Admission Criteria

Admission policy of the school is as under:

  • Issuance of Admission Form
  • Admission forms are issued during January to March for the coming academic session. Syllabus for admission test is also issued with the admission forms. Date of admission test and submission of admission forms is communicated to the parent at the issuance of forms.
  • Acceptance of the application form only means that child is eligible to apply for admission to the school and does not Guarantee Admission.
  • Admission remains provisional and is not confirmed unless the following documents are submitted:
    1. For Armed Forces
      1. Letter from Forces formation where serving at present
      2. NADRA “B” form photocopy
    2.  For DHA Teachers / DHA & CBC Employees
      1. Certificate of employment from the Education Institution / Department.
      2. NADRA “B” form photocopy
    3. For All Classes
      1. Birth Certificate Municipal Corporation / Cantonment Board (Photocopy)
      2. One recent photograph
      3. Last School Leaving Certificate (Original)
      4. Last Progress Report (Photocopy)
      5. Copy of ‘B’ form Nadra

At the time of admission a non-refundable admission fee will be charged.

Selection Criteria

Result of admission test is the base on which candidates are selected. If number of successful candidate is increased from the number of seats available, the selection is made on the following priorities:

  • Priority I : Defence Personnel/DHA Employee
  • Priority II : DHA Resident
  • Priority III : Outsiders
Finalization of Admission Procedure

Successful candidate are issued ‘Fees Challan’ to be deposited into particular Bank Branch within 3 days, failing which the admission is treated cancelled & seat is allotted to the next candidate on merit list.